Information on the technical procedure of the digital module exams from Legal and Constitutional History

The module exams from Legal and Constitutional History will be held in the form of a videoconference in Zoom.

Following some information:

  1. Cancellation is possible, as before, without giving reasons up to 24 hours before the start of the exam by e-mail to
  2. Please send me an e-mail from your unet-email address at least 24 hours before your exam start time with the following information:
    • You have taken note of the exam modalities and give your agreement to these modalities.
    • You have - so the case - positively completed an exercise from history of law, so the source passage in the exam is dropped for you. In this case, please send a collective certificate or a certificate of positive performance as an attachment to your e-mail. If no certificate of the completed exercise is produced, a source passage will be included in the exam.
    • You have - in this case - performed another service from our subject (another exercise, RingVO, course, seminar, but not Repetitorium) and therefore have a "bonus". To be able to use this bonus, please send the certificate for this bonus as an attachment to your e-mail. If no corresponding certificate is provided in this way, the bonus cannot be claimed during the exam.
  3. All candidates registered for the exam have access to a moodle platform with two tools installed. The exam videoconference will be held via "Zoom", if there are technical problems, we will switch to "Collaborate", the link is on Moodle (please join the respective tool via Google Chrome). Should there be technical problems here as well, please keep an eye on your e-mail inbox. In principle, it will be communicated via your unet-email address!
  4. Information about the current admission of members of the audience and the modalities can be found on the homepage of the institute and on the Moodle page of the examination date. If an* examination candidate* rejects a specific person from the audience for a personal reason, this must be announced immediately at the beginning of the examination date. This specific examination procedure is then moved to the end of the examination session and the rejected person is asked to leave the session (or, if necessary, is temporarily removed from the session). The whole public can only be excluded if the SPL agrees to a different examination method.
  5. To check the technical fitness of your equipment, there will be a video conference call with my study assistant for the individual exam dates. For this reason, you will find a Zoom video conference date on the Moodle page of your exam date, where the readability of your student ID or other photo ID will also be checked (please enter on time).

    If everything works, you can log out after a few minutes; if there are problems, please keep an eye on your e-mail inbox.
    Attention: If you do not participate in the video conferencing for your exam date and there are technical problems during the exam, it must be assumed that these problems were your fault, which can be of importance for the grading of the exam!
  6. Please ensure directly before the test date that your technical equipment is correctly set (especially release of camera and microphone also in the general safety settings) and charged or connected to the power network. If needed, make sure you have an easily reached power source. Do not use headphones/headsets (but have them ready in case we need them). It is only important that the sound quality is good enough for safe communication; beyond that, the test is not designed to provide a special sound experience, but only to determine performance. Please make sure that the background is quiet and that the atmosphere of the examination is undisturbed (close windows, provide supervision for small children, confine pets, etc.). If possible, choose a location for the exam that best protects your privacy. Visual and/or audio recordings are not allowed. Also, I will not make any such recordings.
  7. For your exam date itself, first of all you will all enter the videoconference at the beginning of the date (possibly a few minutes earlier), so that I can see who actually shows up for that date. Afterwards, I will let you know when you should be ready for your exam, or when your exam will begin. You are allowed, but not required, to attend the conference during the entire day of the exam; however, please turn off your microphone during the time you are not being examined.
  8. The exam will take place as an individual exam. When your test begins, please hold your photo ID in full view of the camera when I ask you to do so. Before the test begins, please clear all documents and technical equipment away from the pad on which your hardware is located or from its surroundings and show me the surroundings of your equipment or camera as well as the opposite of your field of vision during the test (whether no other screens are present/ready for operation). Also, please share your screen with me before the exam begins so that I can see that you have only the exam window open and no other applications or files. During the exam, the camera is to be positioned so that I can see your face as well as your hands at all times. You have the right to have a person you trust physically attend the exam. In this case, the camera must be positioned so that I can see both you and the trusted person. The exam will consist, as usual, of either one source passage and three independent questions, or, if you have a positive practice certificate, four questions. The questions will be as close as possible to the ones in the classroom mode. The exam will be limited to about 20-30 minutes. Due to the digital exam modalities there is no preparation time. Please understand that - unlike in face-to-face mode - I cannot watch you think for minutes or listen to you discuss aspects that are not relevant to the topic. Answers should therefore be given as quickly and purposefully as possible. In the case of a second or third answer, please let me know so that we can take some extra time if necessary. In such a case, please mark earlier answers in color in the collective report printout.
  9. In case of technical problems, I will try to find a solution first by mail, if necessary by phone (4277/34574). If the problems cannot be solved within a reasonable period of time, i.e. if they persist even after the exam has been postponed (e.g. by bringing forward other candidates), so that the exam cannot be taken or continued, then the exam can be cancelled without consequences (i.e. without counting towards the permitted number of attempts).
    However, problems with the content of the examination should not be used as an excuse to provoke technical problems or merely to claim that they exist. If there is a suspicion that the technical problems were caused intentionally by the candidates as a result of the partial performances already given (or not given), the aborted examination will be assessed (taking into account the permissible number of attempts). If the candidate (technically) interrupts the examination after the start of the examination, does not respond to the examiner's contact attempts within a reasonable period of time, or does not even attempt to contact the examiner, the interrupted examination will also be assessed in this case (counting towards the permissible number of attempts).
  10. If there is any suspicion that you are using any unauthorized aids or the suspicion of digital cheating arises, the examination will be cancelled and a "cheat mark" will be entered, which will always remain visible on your collective certificate. The exam must then be counted towards the permitted number of exam attempts. A warning is possible, but not mandatory. Likewise, there is a possibility that you will also be asked to pan out or share your screen during the exam.