General Exam Modes
- The oral exam consists of four separate questions. One of the four questions includes original historical source material (“Quellenstelle”).
- In the case of the student having successfully completed a “Practical Exercise in Legal and Constitutional History”, the student may choose to be given another question instead of the question including historical source material. Students are eligible for this bonus (“Quellenentfall”) irrespective of whether the professor examining them is the one whose “Practical Exercises” class they attended.
- If the student has successfully completed another class in Legal and Constitutional History (compulsory practical exercise/, lecture series/special lectures, courses, seminars, no revision courses), the student may get another bonus – he or she may reject one of the four exam questions without explanation. The student will then be given another question. The rejected question will not be taken into account for the exam’s grade.
Exam Modes of the individual Examiners
More information about the examination modalities of the individual examiners can be found at that Links:
- Informationen zur Modulprüfung bei Foljanty
- Informationen zur Modulprüfung bei Prof. Kohl
- Informationen zur Modulprüfung bei Prof. Olechowski
- Informationen zur Modulprüfung bei Hon.-Prof. Pauser
- Informationen zur Modulprüfung bei Reiter-Zatloukal
- Informationen zur Modulprüfung bei Schneider
- Informationen zur Modulprüfung bei Prof. Vec